Cabo Verdeans in the United States
21st Century Critical Perspectives
In the last thirty years, there has been a shift in the Cabo Verdean community in the ways it perceives itself ethnically and racially, in the creation of opportunities for socio-economic mobility, and in the pursuit of new migratory patterns within the United States to take advantage of these opportunities. Existing scholarship on the historical and contemporary experiences of Cabo Verdeans in the US has been hyper-focused on racial and ethnic identities, neglecting the space for Cabo Verdeans to share their stories, which makes this collection unique. Cabo Verdeans in the United States: Twenty-First Century Critical Perspectives edited by Terza A. Silva Lima-Neves centers Cabo Verdean stories as told by Cabo Verdeans to explore community building and challenges in the twenty-first century. The contributors examine questions of solidarity, loss of innocence, and what it means to live authentically and exist intentionally in safe spaces. They offer critical reflections on traditional cultural gender norms, and they discuss the intersections of cultural stigmas, mental and physical health, and access to care. Using interviews and personal experiences, the contributors challenge existing Cabo Verdean scholars to see the value in documenting their experiences and contributions in the United States.
Cabo Verdean Women Writing Remembrance, Resistance, and Revolution
Kriolas Poderozas
Cabo Verdean Women Writing Remembrance, Resistance, and Revolution: Kriolas Poderozas documents the work and stories told by Cabo Verdean women to refocus the narratives about Cabo Verde on Cabo Verdean women and their experiences. The contributors examine their own experiences, the history of Cabo Verde, and the Cabo Verdean diaspora to highlight the commonalities that exist among all women of African descent, such as sexual and domestic violence and media objectification, as well as the different meanings these commonalities can hold in local contexts. Through exploring the literary and musical contributions of Cabo Verdean women, the Cabo Verdean state and its transnational relations, food, and cooking traditions, migration and diaspora, and the oral histories of Cabo Verde, the contributors analyze themes of community, race, sexuality, migration, gender, and tradition.