I was born in the Republic of Cabo Verde in the late 1970s, a newly independent West African island nation, where honest, courageous, and resilient people lived amidst economic poverty and underdevelopment.

I was reared in a family of powerful women who made life happen regardless of the economic and social circumstances around them. They did not see themselves as subjects and victims of colonial occupation. Their circumstances did not define their spirit, happiness, aspirations, and identity. My mother, Ivone and grandmother, Maria were and continue to be empowered by the community they helped build. As athletes in handball, basketball and football (soccer), my tias (aunts), Lola, Belita, and Sandra were and still are my role models, exemplifying self-confidence and teaching me there is nothing a girl cannot do, a lesson that my husband and I pass on to our children.

From birth, I was destined for greatness, not in terms of financial success or academic and professional accomplishments but to be proud of myself and my country, to share my story with the hopes that other people, particularly Black women and girls will share theirs so that the rich stories of the people of Cabo Verde will be authentically told across the globe, and in our own voices. 

As a Black African woman, I was born to be a servant to my community, to tell my story, to empower and be empowered, to inspire and be inspired!

Terza is smiling and is wearing a black tshirt with the words, "I am Cabo Verdean, I am African, I am Black."